The Project
The Private Corruption Barometer (PCB) project, as requested by priority “Fight against corruption” of the call "Economic and Financial Crime, Corruption, Environmental Crime", develops the first business victimization survey module gathering comparative information on “private corruption” to produce more reliable “indicators and statistics measuring corruption across Member States”.
Specifically, PCB addresses the following EU-wide problems in the field of private corruption: i) the lack of knowledge on private corruption; ii) the lack of reliable instruments and indicators to measure corruption in the private sector that damages businesses; iii) the lack of comparative analyses on private corruption across different countries in the EU. PCB addresses these problems by developing and piloting – for the first time at the national and supranational level – a standardized business victimization survey module on private corruption at the national level within European (EU) Member States (MS). This sample survey module will allow to measure comparatively objective (experiences) and subjective (perceptions) private corruption within businesses of MS, via the analysis of victimization experiences, perceptions, costs, and countermeasures.